
Plates Against Patriarchy > is a female organized pottery project founded by artists Helen Atkins, Jordyn Bernicke, and Monique Rivera that invites participation from a world-wide audience. They combine handmade plates with the glazed portraits, and narratives of everyday women. The portrait plates are made by hand, created through a collaborative art making practice of three artists. Each plate gives voice to a woman, pairing her selfie with a phrase of her choosing. The phrase comes from the story she tells about her experience in our patriarchal society. Plates Against Patriarchy collects these stories virtually on social media, and through writing workshops and one-on-one meetings. These stories will be shared through Plates Against Patriarchy exhibitions, blogs, publications, and other events.

Plates Against Patriarchy will be our lead artist for Harwood’s annual Bridge: Art & Social Justice Exhibition in September 2019. The show will be comprised of portrait plates, narratives, and a collaborative installation honoring a female leader in our community.